Silence #26 at Oude Kerk Amsterdam

On December 6th 08:00 AM Helena will give a special performance at the Oude Kerk Amsterdam. She will play Morton Feldman’s Triadic Memories at the new exposition Poems of Earthlings by Argentinian artist Adrián Villar Rojas.

The exhibition Poems for Earthlings by Argentinian artist Adrián Villar Rojas forms an impressive intervention in the architecture of the Oude Kerk. As a result of the installation, new temporary spaces and architectural volumes arise in the church. One of these ‘residual spaces’ is located right behind the installation. This space is not accessible to exhibition visitors, but it will be for the audience of Silence #26. Together we will explore the new acoustics of this temporary situation in the church. During this morning concert, pianist Helena Basilova will perform the composition Triadic Memories by Morton Feldman.

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